• Call Us +971 55 5777058
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Venue الحى العاشر
Year 2022
Services Provided

  • The gaming community has grown exponentially
  • The gaming community has grown exponentially
  • The gaming community has grown exponentially
  • The gaming community has grown exponentially
  • The gaming community has grown exponentially


Project Overview

In communicationmedia are the communication outlets or tools used to store and deliver content.[1][2] The term generally refers to components of the mass media communications industry, such as print mediapublishing, the news mediaphotographycinemabroadcasting (radio and television), digital media, and advertising.[3]

The development of early writing and paper enabling longer-distance communication systems such as mail, including in the Persian Empire (Chapar Khaneh and Angarium) and Roman Empire, can be interpreted as early forms of media.[4] Writers such as Howard Rheingold have framed early forms of human communication, such as the Lascaux cave paintings and early writing, as early forms of media.[5] Another framing of the history of media starts with the Chauvet Cave paintings and continues with other ways to carry human communication beyond the short range of voice: smoke signalstrail markers, and sculpture.[6]